Prayer Room

December 20- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016
Cindy Maloney writes:
Dear Prayer Warriors,
These past (almost) two years have been a long and event-filled journey with the Lord, starting with my broken bones, through the four surgeries including the knee replacement, and concluding with my healing process, which I believe continues.  I left PT yesterday for the last time.  The end result of my healing will be revealed in time.  Hear, believe, wait.  I will continue to live by these affirmations, prayerfully seeking what Christ has in store for me.  By September of 2017, my body should reach its maximum physical potential. My dire needs are now put to rest.  I know there are other names that can fill my prayer space.
I cannot thank all of you enough for your intercessions, continually placing my needs before our Heavenly Father.  God has been so good, so righteous and just and above all, merciful in how He has dealt with me.  You have been an integral part of it all.  I am humbled by your outpourings of love.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
Cindy Maloney

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