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February 23, 2017 Prayer From Supporter

February 23, 2017

Jan Rush writes:

I talked to our daughter, Janna, today.  Her father-in-law, Ron, is really struggling. The stress from all the pain from the breaks in his vertebrae have really taken a toll….the pain level is still very high, he’s on multiple pain meds, so it’s affected other parts of his body and he’s been having episodes of atrial fib/heart. They sent him home, but Cheryll, his wife, who is a cancer survivor herself is struggling to meet all the many needs associated with Ron’s care and also take care of herself. Please pray for miraculous healing, encouragement and also wisdom for the Drs treating him. 
Thank you for interceding for this dear servant of God. We know God is able. Jan
LEAH VEIHMEYER has been going through chemotherapy for breast cancer.  This will continue for the next four months and then she will have a double mastectomy.  After that, she will possibly have radiation treatments.  Leah and Dan moved from Santa Maria to Clovis last year.  They are near their son Andrew and their daughter Lauren and her family.  Leah wants, above all, for Jesus to be glorified in her life and that she will be able to use this time to share the love of Christ with others.  Please pray for her complete healing and that God will open doors for sharing the Good News.

February 9, 2017

Giving Praises, Our AEBM team came back safely and with incredible stories. God has been faithful, thanking you all for your prayers and support, you made it happen again.




January 26, 2017


Throughout February, members of the largest Christian minority in the Middle East, the Copts, were slaughtered. The Islamic State released a video in mid-February depicting 21 poverty-stricken Coptic Christians being decapitated in Libya, where these men had gone to find work. While holding their victims’ bodies down, Islamic State members shoved their fingers in the Christians’ eyes, craned their heads back, and sliced away at their throats with knives — all in the name of Allah and Islam, even as the slaughtered called out to the “Lord Jesus Christ.” Continue Reading…


American European BETHEL Mission THOUGHTS FOR PRAYER

January 26, 2017

We are called to help the refugees

Today’s media seems to be consumed with images of countries rattled by explosives, people dying of hunger, families fleeing from their homes holding onto mere ounces of hope that they will live to see tomorrow. As Americans, many of us have started to become desensitized to these tragedies, as we are not experiencing them first hand. It is easy to say that refugees are terrorists and, as a recourse, are not welcome in our country, but what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if we were the refugees seeking a safe haven to protect our families and our livelihood?

Unfortunately, the refugee crisis that is shaking the globe is something that most Americans are not well educated on. Media coverage shows only one side of the story. The Syrian refugee crisis is a direct result of the violence surrounding the Syrian civil war, the country’s shattered infrastructure, and fear for the well-being of Syrian families. Millions of Syrians are displaced and lacking basic needs all while living in compact, unsanitary desert camps with their families in spaces much too small for them. Continue Reading…


January 19, 2017

January 19, 2017

Dear Supporters,

Thank you for all your support an prayers for our AEBM Team. They are safe, and the food project is going well so far. we will update you with more information when our Team gets back on Monday. WE continue to pray for miracles.


January 10, 2017

January 10, 2017
Lauren Carson writes:

Dear Prayer Warriors,
Please continue to keep RO in prayer. The surgery today went well and should be the last he’ll need with regard to his cancer and everything associated with it. Praise God! Prayer request is  for a ‘heart event’ that RO has had during his last two surgeries. If his heart doesn’t go back to a correct rhythm they will have to ‘reboot’ his heart tomorrow with paddles, which should correct the issue. Also he will have to add a cardiologist to his doctor list.
Thank you for your prayers.


January 5, 2017

January 5, 2017

Rene Wilkerson writes:
Please pray for Wayne Mills. He has a Pulmonary Embolism and is in intensive care. Thank you.
In His Love, Rene