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December 27- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Patrick Houg writes:
My dad, Donald, is in the hospital because of a fall. They have replaced the ball on the femur bone but now he is having surgery because of a tear in his colon. Please pray for healing and strength, thank you. Patrick


December 26- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Jan, Betty Townley’s daughter, is in the hospital with bronchitis and very high blood pressure.  Betty asks us to please pray for her to get well and personal issues regarding family to be resolved.

Linda and Mark Dirksen write:
Urgent! Please Pray for our Brother in Christ, Mario Sanchez. He stayed with us last night and woke in terrible pain. Gallbladder? He loves our Lord. Please pray for the Doctors to use discernment and knowledge and not discharge him until he gets a correct diagnosis. This has happened before. Prayers to our Great Physician, please, for total healing, relief of this awful pain! Thank you Jesus for your gift of healing! By your stripes we are healed!

December 24- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Alisa Burrill forwards this request for prayer:

The islamist group (ISIS) just took over “Quaragosh”,  the biggest Christian city in Iraq.  There are hundreds of men, women and children that are being beheaded. The people are asking for Prayers  to be made on their behalf concerning the ongoing atrocity in their country.

They asked for this special prayer.    Please, ensure you pass across the prayer request to the body of Christ for fervent prayers offered on behalf of the brothers, sisters and children in Iraq. This is an urgent SOS message please. Thank you for your concern. May the Lord bless you and your family and always send help your way. Amen.


December 23- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Susan Quijada writes:
My niece, Jenny, sent this to me from Wichita, Kansas.  I never say no to requests for prayer, and so I am passing it on to the chain.  Sorry I don’t have any more information.  I will update you as soon as Jenny updates me…..Susan

Please pray for a little boy named Dakota. They had to life flight him. He is having seizures. Forward this to everyone you can please!


December 23- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Susan Quijada writes:
My niece, Jenny, sent this to me from Wichita, Kansas.  I never say no to requests for prayer, and so I am passing it on to the chain.  Sorry I don’t have any more information.  I will update you as soon as Jenny updates me…..Susan

Please pray for a little boy named Dakota. They had to life flight him. He is having seizures. Forward this to everyone you can please!


December 21- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Steve Malfo’s mother, who lives in Washington, may not have many more days to live.  Betty Malfo is in her eighties and is ready to be with our Lord Jesus.  Please pray for her comfort and peace for her family of four children, their spouses, and her many grandchildren.

“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality….But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Cor 15:53, 57

December 20- Prayer Request

December 28, 2016
Cindy Maloney writes:
Dear Prayer Warriors,
These past (almost) two years have been a long and event-filled journey with the Lord, starting with my broken bones, through the four surgeries including the knee replacement, and concluding with my healing process, which I believe continues.  I left PT yesterday for the last time.  The end result of my healing will be revealed in time.  Hear, believe, wait.  I will continue to live by these affirmations, prayerfully seeking what Christ has in store for me.  By September of 2017, my body should reach its maximum physical potential. My dire needs are now put to rest.  I know there are other names that can fill my prayer space.
I cannot thank all of you enough for your intercessions, continually placing my needs before our Heavenly Father.  God has been so good, so righteous and just and above all, merciful in how He has dealt with me.  You have been an integral part of it all.  I am humbled by your outpourings of love.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
Cindy Maloney

December 19 – Prayer Request

December 28, 2016

Trish Balcorta writes:

My manager’s grandfather is very ill.  She asked if I would put him on the prayer chain.  His name is Bill Maxwell.
Thank you for praying.

Fall Newsletter

December 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

We want to keep you updated on our activities by mail, email, and internet God has blessed us with so many opportunities to bring HIS WORD during these perilous times. We are truly grateful for the ministries with which HE has entrusted us. Continue Reading…


September 8th – Prayer Request

September 8, 2016

Brittany Gonzalez writes: A dear brother, a well-known Christian author, Dr. Nabeel Qureshi, who ministers to the Muslim world, was diagnosed with advanced cancer. This is a shock as he is hyoung, only in his thirties. Please pray for him as he has been working mightily throughout the world for the gospel’s sake. Thank you.